Baltimore LTER i-Tree Viewer

This specialized tool displays the i-Tree Eco plot data and benefits for the ongoing Baltimore LTER study.

Around the globe, more communities are assessing their trees every year, and many now conduct subsequent rounds of sampling to compare tree benefits over time. A fantastic example is the Long-Term Ecological Research project from the Baltimore Ecosystem Study.

With this viewer, interested individuals can:

  • examine the Baltimore LTER i-Tree Eco plot data with associated tree benefit estimates,
  • view these estimates over multiple years,
  • download the actual project data for additional analysis within i-Tree Eco, and
  • see how i-Tree software tools and science facilitate the sampling of tree populations and help users estimate the benefits they provide to their community.

For more information, please visit Baltimore LTER. Click on the Get Started button to explore the data!

If you are interested in having your i-Tree Eco project made available online like this, please contact so that we may explore funding opportunities together.

i-Tree® does not endorse any specific web-browser, but has been tested with modern versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. Please, use the Feedback form to report issues. i-Tree is a registered trademark.

Warning: This tool can be very data intensive. It is not recommended for use on metered plans.

If i-Tree is not yet supported in your region, contact us to explore opportunities for funding collaboration.

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